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Things We Miss About Independence Day From Our School Days

Was receiving a packet of sweets all the reason that encouraged you to go to school on Independence Day? Come on, you can’t lie to yourself. That’s one reason obviously. At this moment, as I stare at the mirror, adulthood is apparent on my face and several other body parts as well. However, that’s no reason to not miss the school days Independence Day celebration most of us have been a part of.

So taking a trip down the memory lane, herein we recall all the fun things we used to do on I-day during our school days.

1. Costume Contest

independence day


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Costume contests were so daunting and don’t tell me you don’t agree. The brainstorming that students use to put behind choosing the right dress was not a cakewalk. Did you dress like Mahatma Gandhi or Jawaharlal Nehru? It doesn’t matter, because a sense of misogyny will veil your face, once you glance at other students dressed their best. Sigh!!! The biggest regret? I never won a costume contest.

2. Flag Hoisting

Flag hoisting


Yeah!! Here is the proud moment we all eagerly wait for. Flag hoisting and the feeling that entails the ceremony is unmatchable. The crowd stands erect to sync the national anthem while saluting the Indian flag. The best moment to behold? Indeed.

3. Plays and Skits  

plays and skits


Skits and plays that revolve around patriotism make the I-Day celebration more colourful. And yes, the preparation that goes behind the curtains for the real deal was as fun as delivering the final performance. Moreover, the prizes one would get for winning the play and skit were all the motivation that we needed at one point in life.

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4. Independence Day Sweets



When it comes to I-day sweets, it was less about enjoying our share and more about comparing the same with our friends from a different school. I remember teasing my friends for they used to get laddoos while I received chocolates and biscuits. However, we used to share everything.

5. Independence Day Parade



Independence Day parade was a proud moment to behold and, also, be a part of once you reach class 11th and 12th. Parading with jawans of CISF, what else one could ask for? Moreover, the free periods we got to practice the parade was a big deal for most of us.

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6. Singing And Dancing Competition

singing competition


Patriotic and singing competition marks the beginning of the Independence day celebration. It was a treat to watch little kids jumping and bubbling with so much energy and dancing so beautifully. Moreover, the patriotic songs seniors sang (including me) with sheer energy used to churn out fascinating emotions.

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