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How To Avoid Sweaty Photos In This Humid Weather And Take Care Of Greasy Skin

No one wants to look sweaty in photos, especially girls. But monsoon mixed with the heat makes you look all greasy and sweaty,right?

Naturally, the pictures are not looking that good. Unless you activate the hidden beauty camera that makes the pictures appear bright and sweat-free. But that isn’t real, is it?

However, you have options to get rid of the sweaty skin you have once and for all, especially in this humid climate. Here are 5 simple ways that will teach you how to treat oily skin and look sweat-free in your photos.

1. Try A Different Moisturiser

Try A Different Moisturiser

Well, your moisturiser could be the reason for your sweaty skin. Replace your regular moisturiser with a gel-based. As they are lightweight and get absorbed easily by the skin, keeping it clean and hydrated for a long time.

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2. Use a face toner

Use a face toner

Face toners are good to neutralise the pH level of the skin. They are also very helpful in removing any product residue on the skin. The only catch is to use non-alcohol based face toners. Because the oily one can make skin look more oily.

3. Apply mud masks


This is a remedy that your grandma would suggest. Put on mud masks once a week, it will provide nutrients to your face by hydrating it. Try clay or multani mitti and it will take control of excess oil and reduce blackheads and impurities on the skin.

4. Try an oil-control face wash

Try an oil-control face wash

Sometimes the reason can be your skin itself and not the hot and humid temperature. If yes, your skin is oily you should try a mild oil-controlling face wash. It will take care of the extra oil and sweaty face.

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5. Use blotting papers

Use blotting papers

If nothing works and you are unable to get rid of your oily skin, keep the blotting papers handy. Wipe your face with the blotting paper during the day time and even before a photoshoot, and it will clear all the grease from your face.

In Conclusion:

It is not that hard to take care of your greasy skin. Use the above-mentioned tips if you want to learn how to treat oily skin.

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