
How To Get Rid Of Persistently Annoying Coughs?

Persistent Coughs

A cough is your body’s response method which triggers when your throat feels irritated. Your body uses the combination of your lungs & abdomen to push out the irritant using the force of air generated by frequently exhaling.

So, cough is not actually a disease or problem-causing factor, it is a bodily response to clear out the irritants and infections. But an annoying thing about having a cough is its persistence.

Persistent Coughs

Treatment For Coughs

Effective treatment of cough depends on its cause, multiple factors can trigger and cause persistent coughs including acid reflux, allergies, infections, etc.

Out of all the treatments available, few believe that for low to moderately persistent coughs natural remedies are effective. And if coughing stays for more than a few weeks or becomes severe then you should seek medical help as soon as possible.

Here Are The 10 Natural Remedies For Coughs:

Honey Tea For Coughs

Honey Tea

Honey tea is the best solution for a sore throat because soreness increases the coughing response of your body. Plus warm tea can break the mucus for you to cough it up.



Ginger is an ancient herb used for treating many health problems that also include coughing. It has antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties which can help to ease coughing by helping a sore throat to relax.


Fluids herbal tea

A person with a persistent cough needs to stay hydrated the most. People having a cold or flu with coughs can opt for warm herbal teas.



Steam can provide you with a relaxing feeling from mucus or phlegm-producing cough. There are many methods available to get a refreshing steam session.

Marshmallow Root

Marshmallow Root

A content found in marshmallow root has a long history of treating coughs and colds. To use this root as an effective treatment you find herbal syrups that contain marshmallow root.

Salt Water

Salt Water

Gargling with salt water can help you by loosening up the mucus and reducing the amount of phlegm in your throat. It is a trick known for a long time to reduce coughing symptoms.

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Bromelain for Coughs

Bromelain is an enzyme obtained from pineapples, it is said that this enzyme can help your body by breaking mucus and removing it. It has anti-inflammatory properties which help in reducing other health problems.

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Thyme for Coughs

Thyme is very useful in treating coughs in small children because of its low toxicity. In Europe thyme is very popular for treating dry coughs.

Anti-Acid Reflux Diet

Anti-Acid Reflux Diet for Coughs

Acid Reflux is a common cough increasing factor, unhealthy diet choices trigger acid reflux in your body. And avoiding these acid-producing foods can help a lot to ease the problem.


Probiotics for Coughs

Probiotics directly affect the bacteria in the gut making the immune system more powerful against viruses. A strong immune system can fight many infections and viruses that harm the body.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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