How ToTechnology

How To Change Your WhatsApp Number Without Losing Chats

WhatsApp now has a “Change Number” feature.

WhatsApp is one of the most popular texting app among people. The app is liked and preferred because of its simple UI and advertisement free services. Telegram is the second most popular texting app because it is less restricting as compared to its counterpart.

Change Number feature comes as a good news for many users because they can change their number without any hassle.

Things You Should Know About New WhatsApp Feature

Before you plan to change your number you should be aware of the restrictions that the feature comes with.

The number that you are going to change must be active. It should be able to receive SMS and calls. You should also remember that you are just changing your WhatsApp number and not your primary phone.

Primary phone means mobile device that you are using currently for WhatsApp.

If you are intending to change your phone as well then steps are different. You need to change your number first. Then you should create a backup on your old phone. Further, install WhatsApp on your new phone with same mobile number.

Steps To Follow

  • Open WhatsApp Application on your mobile phone
  • Go to Settings > Account
  • You will see ‘Change Number’ option
  • Tap on the option and you will see a message “Changing your phone number will migrate your account info, groups & settings’
  • Tap ‘Next’
  • Then enter your Old and New Mobile Number and Tap Next
  • You will get a confirmation message and you will be asked if you want to notify your contacts about the change.
  • You can ‘Select All’ or make it ‘Custom’
  • Then tap ‘Done’

After you will change your number your old number will not appear to your Contacts. Your contacts will not be deleted by using this feature. You can also restore any backup if you want to.

You are all set with New Number now!

Siddhant Baranwal

Siddhant is a Content Creator. He has been doing this for past three years and have managed to gain good attention of audiences for his work. He is an active reader and has huge respect for art and theatre.

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