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35 Halloween Snacks for Kids and Adults: Get Spooky Cooking Ideas

Halloween is one of the most sinister festivals ever and its snacks need to complement its beauty. There are many different elements incorporated into Halloween’s decoration and I think it would be a great idea to infuse all those items into its snack palette.

I looked it up on the internet and found that there are several food recipes that one can follow to add snacks to the table for the guests on the eve of Halloween.

After all, if people put so much effort into getting dressed up for the evening, why can’t they put the same amount of it into preparing food items for the same festival?

Without wasting much time, let us dive into these interesting and amazing recipes.

1. Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Roasted Pumpkin Seeds
Roasted Pumpkin Seeds

Just like the name suggests, Roasted Pumpkin Seeds is a dish made by roasting Pumpkin seeds. Traditionally, they were roasted in salt and butter but over time it has evolved in multiple flavours like ranch seasoning, taco seasoning, or cinnamon sugar for an added pop of flavour.

2. Sour Patch Grapes

Sour Patch Grapes
Sour Patch Grapes

This amazing dish is grapes coated in sour Jell-o, full stop. There is nothing more about this snack than this but you are going to love this dish that tastes like Sour Patch Kids.

3. Witch Finger Cookies

Witch Finger Cookies
Witch Finger Cookies

The cookies look exactly like their name: Nutty cookies for finger, almond for fingernail, pistachio for warts and jam for blood. Undoubtedly, it will make the best scary sweet snack for your Halloween party.

4. Pumpkin Deviled Eggs

Pumpkin Deviled Eggs
Pumpkin Deviled Eggs

Do you want to make the simplest recipe possible? It has to be Pumpkin Deviled Eggs where you scoop out the yolk from boiled eggs, flavour it and put it back while making it look like a pumpkin with the help of a chive and some carvings.

5. Spiced Candied Pecans

Spiced Candied Pecans
Spiced Candied Pecans

These flavourful munchies, Spiced Candied Pecans are one of the best snacks ever. The salty, sweet, nutty and sour flavours in this snack make it hard to put them down.

6. Cheesy Witch Brooms

Cheesy Witch Brooms
Cheesy Witch Brooms

These brooms carved out of cheese and fixed with pretzels and chives sound easy and impressive. You just need to show some patience while creating the lower part of the broom with cheese, then stick a pretzel piece to make the bamboo part while using a chive to hold it all together.

7. Mummy Meatballs

Mummy Meatballs
Mummy Meatballs

There is nothing new about the flavours of this dish but the presentation. Mummy Meatballs are shaped like mummies with the help of store-bought crescent roll dough. As you can see in the picture, you can use the mustard sauce, tomato ketchup or anything else to make the eyes and complete the look.

8. Pasta Chips

Pasta Chips
Pasta Chips

If you are bored of regular chips and wish to try something new, then here is what you need: Pasta Chips. You have to toast this boiled pasta and garnish with cheese and other flavours turning them into perfect munchies.

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9. Pumpkin Pie Energy Balls

Pumpkin Pie Energy Balls
Pumpkin Pie Energy Balls

Pumpkin Pie Energy Balls are the best if you want to put something sweet on your menu. It is a delicious combination of oats, coconut, almond butter, pumpkin puree, raisins, maple syrup, chia seeds, pumpkin seeds, and pumpkin pie spice.

10. Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet Potato Chips
Sweet Potato Chips

Are you a fan of regular potato chips? If yes, then I must tell you that you should try these Sweet Potato Chips which have the one thing missing from the regular potato chips: natural sweetness.

11. Caramel Popcorn

Caramel Popcorn
Caramel Popcorn

This caramel-coated popcorn can make the perfect sweet snack that you can munch on while exchanging conversations on the eve of Halloween.

12. Dracula Dentures

Dracula Dentures
Dracula Dentures

We are going a little off track, aren’t we? Let us get back to it with Dracula Dentures. You can use cookies, red food-coloured vanilla frosting, marshmallows and slivered almonds to create these scary-looking cookies.

13. Cajun Sweet Potato Tots

Cajun Sweet Potato Tots
Cajun Sweet Potato Tots

You can prepare Cajun Sweet Potato Tots that look like slices from a brain making them perfect for the Halloween party. Due to the ingredients used in making these tots, they also happen to be a gluten-free snack.

14. Apple Nachos

Apple Nachos
Apple Nachos

Apple Nachos look equally messy to regular Nachos, the only difference is that it is sweet. It is made with the help of apples, melted white chocolate, warm caramel, pretzels, and energy bars.

15. Pumpkin Pudding

Pumpkin Pudding
Pumpkin Pudding

Did you know that Pumpkin Pudding is the easiest thing to make in this entire article? Even its preparation time says 5 minutes where you have to mix instant vanilla pudding mix, pumpkin puree, whole milk, brown sugar, and pumpkin pie spice mix and refrigerate.

16. Candy Corn Cobs

Candy Corn Cobs
Candy Corn Cobs

Candy Corn Cobs are a great trick for your family and friends that turns into a tricky treat when they nibble on it. Looking like corn, these snacks are made using store-bought candy corn and homemade cookie dough.

17. Reese’s Stuffed Rice Krispies Treats

Reese's Stuffed Rice Krispies Treats
Reese’s Stuffed Rice Krispies Treats

The traditional Rice Krispies treats are for regular days. A Halloween treat needs a touch of the day which is why we suggest you layer it with a Halloween candy named Reese’s Cup to make it more Halloweeny.

18. Pumpkin Pie Dip

Pumpkin Pie Dip
Pumpkin Pie Dip

We know we love our pumpkins, especially on Halloween which is why we had to incorporate a dip that could complement this star ingredient. Pumpkin Pie Dip can be easily prepared with the help of some store-bought ingredients which made it super easy to make.

19. Caramel Apples

Caramel Apples
Caramel Apples

Caramel Apples are one of the most versatile snacks of all time which gives you room to experiment. You can play with the items you stick to caramel-like nuts, chocolate chips, rainbow vermicelli sprinkles and more to give it a variety.

20. Frankenstein Pretzels

Frankenstein Pretzels
Frankenstein Pretzels

One of the most creative snack items so far, Frankenstein Pretzels gives you the chance to engage your kids into helping you as well as opening up their doors of imagination. This snack requires a simple assembly which results in a spooky-looking Frankenstein.

21. Cinnamon Sugar Sweet Potato Chips

Cinnamon Sugar Sweet Potato Chips
Cinnamon Sugar Sweet Potato Chips

Let’s spice and sweeten up your Halloween table a little more with Cinnamon Sugar Sweet Potato Chips. You just need to bake sweet potatoes with cinnamon sugar and you will have a snack to satiate your sugar cravings.

22. Spider Web Black Bean Dip

Spider Web Black Bean Dip
Spider Web Black Bean Dip

The perfect partner to your snack, Spider Web Black Bean Dip is one of the best things that you can serve with nachos and other snacks. You just have to blend beans, lime juice, and cumin and then season it with salt. To further make it look better, use sour cream to create a web on this dip to match it with the Halloween theme.

23. Ghost S ‘mores Dip

Ghost S 'mores Dip
Ghost S ‘mores Dip

While we are on the topic of dips, let us look at this chocolate dip that will be perfect if you want a sweet dip. It is a simple dip made with chocolate chips and ghost-shaped marshmallows which are placed so well to make it look creepy enough for Halloween. Also, use melted chocolate or mini chocolate chips to put eyes on these ghost marshmallows.

24. Tempeh Buffalo “Wings”

Tempeh Buffalo “Wings”
Tempeh Buffalo “Wings”

If you want to go vegetarian on Halloween and yet place food on the table that looks like a non-vegetarian item then have a look at this amazing dish Tempeh Buffalo “Wings”. These are steamed tempeh tossed in flavours and served with appetising sauce.

25. Reese’s Bats

Reese's Bats
Reese’s Bats

Reese’s Bats is another sweet dish that kids can make by simply assembling some items. They need to put half an oreo on Reese’s candy followed by eyes using peanut butter and the snack is good to go.

26. Monster Munch

Monster Munch
Monster Munch

Another sweet munching snack that is perfect for Halloween evening is Monster Munch. You club kettle corn, pretzels, candy corn and M&M together in a dish. Further, you drizzle melted semisweet and white chocolate chips to hold them together so that they can be cut into little pieces.

27. Apple Chips

Apple Chips
Apple Chips

This article is all about simpler recipes and here is another one. Just slice a crispy apple into thin chips and put sugar and cinnamon on them evenly. Then put them on a grill and toast them in the oven until the chips are crispy.

28. Trash Bark

Trash Bark
Trash Bark

If you want to put something unique on the table, then here is what it should be. Melt chocolate and put it on parchment paper combined with some melted peanut butter. Spread a thin layer of potato chips, pretzels and M&M to complete the look. Refrigerate it, break it into smaller pieces and serve it.

29. Pumpkin Hummus

Pumpkin Hummus
Pumpkin Hummus

If there is a perfect hummus for your snacks, then here is the one: Pumpkin Hummus. It is the perfect hummus that you can use to dip sweet as well as savoury items. No matter what you go with, it is going to taste perfect.

30. Candied Walnut Brussels Sprout Bites

Candied Walnut Brussels Sprout Bites
Candied Walnut Brussels Sprout Bites

Are you ready for a burst of flavour in your mouth? Candied Walnut Brussels Sprout Bites are your answer to these flavour cravings. You must look up on the internet for its recipe and create these amazing snacks which resemble the human brain, making it a great choice for Halloween.

31. Pumpkin Pie Wontons

Pumpkin Pie Wontons
Pumpkin Pie Wontons

If you couldn’t pull off the time to make a handmade pumpkin pie but still want to put out something similar, then please check out how you can make Pumpkin Pie Wontons. Also, serve these babies with homemade apple caramel sauce and whipped cream for the best snacking experience.

32. Jelly Worms

Jelly Worms
Jelly Worms

Do you want to put some disgusting-looking thing on the table that tastes exactly the opposite of what it looks like? Then check out how you can make jelly worms using Jell-o, gelatine and heavy cream that you should put in oreo biscuit crumbs to give a ground to them.

33. Churro Almonds

Churro Almonds
Churro Almonds

Get ready to make some candied almonds that look great for Halloween and the best for your taste buds. They are also supposed to be kind of healthy for your body too. So, it can make the perfect snack for diet and health-conscious people around you.

34. Pumpkin Spice Muddy Munch

Pumpkin Spice Muddy Munch
Pumpkin Spice Muddy Munch

Are you ready for another tasty snack for Halloween? Pumpkin Spice Muddy Munch is the one for you. It is made by mixing two types of cereal, marshmallow, butter, white chocolate and pumpkin spice. You can flatten it on a dish and powder some sugar on it followed by cutting it into small biteable pieces.

35. Caramel Pumpkin Spice Cereal Treats

Caramel Pumpkin Spice Cereal Treats
Caramel Pumpkin Spice Cereal Treats

The last recipe of the article for Halloween is Caramel Pumpkin Spice Cereal Treats. When we are supposed to add pumpkin spice to everything, why stop now? This is an amazing cereal treat that is again made by combining rice cereal, marshmallows, pumpkin spice, soft caramel, butter, and salt.


These are 35 snack options that you can try for the upcoming Halloween season. You should look these snacks up on the internet for the correct and easy recipes and do give them a try. If you have a great time trying them or munching on them, then do come back to the article to share your experience with us.

Also, share this article with your circle so that when you visit their place, they can not escape preparing something tasty for you.

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Words help me express the unsaid and we have come a long way while walking hand in hand like that so now I write about anything and everything that ignites the spark of inspiration in me.

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