
Government Issues Covid-19 Guidelines For The Management Of COVID19 Among Children

The central government has issued a complete Covid-19 guidelines to manage covid among children. Also, Remdesivir has not been recommended and rational use of HRCT imaging is suggested.

Source: unselfish

The Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS) has issued these guidelines under the health ministry. The department said steroids may harm in asymptomatic and mild cases of infection.

On Steroids

The DGHS recommended steroids for hospitalised moderately critically, and severely ill Covid-19 cases under strict supervision.

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The concerned body said that “Steroids should be used at the right time, in the right dose and for the right duration. Self-medication of steroids must be avoided.”

For moderate and severe cases

However, if any moderate infection takes place then the guidelines suggest for initiating immediate oxygen therapy.

As per the guidelines, Corticosteroids are not required in all children with moderate illness; they may be administered in rapidly progressive disease and anticoagulants may also be indicated.

“In case shock develops, necessary management should be initiated. Antimicrobials to be administered if there is evidence/strong suspicion of superadded bacterial infection. May need organ support in case of organ dysfunction, e.g. renal replacement therapy,” it said.

Also, the guidelines suggest a six-minute walk test for children above 12 years.

Singh Vivek

With over 5 years of writing obituaries for a different organisation, I have a uniquely wry voice that shines through in my newest collection of articles.

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