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Gmail Alert! Beware Of Gmail Mail Spam Named “Vishing” That Steals Personal Information

New email fraud is circulated over the internet. Innocent Gmail users have been warned to beware of this dangerous Gmail mail spam. This email threat is happening all across the world, including India. This Gmail mail spam is named “Vishing”. In this email spam, a completely different way is used to fraud with the users.

Source: sosafe-awareness

Under this Gmail fraud, users do not need to download malware or click on links. Scammers send emails under the name of big companies like PayPal, or Amazon. The email states that a major purchase has been made on your account. This email contains official fonts and people, which looks original. Scammers state that the only way to stop illegal purchases is to cancel the order only by making a phone call.

Also Read: Gmail Tricks To Gain Unlimited Gmail Addresses And Determine Nefarious Email

However, the email has a phone number and a message that says, ‘If you haven’t made a purchase yet, please call us. If you are tricked into dialling contact details, you will be connected to a person via phone.’

Source: Different Truths

Remember that the person is not a representative of PayPal or Amazon, but a fraud. When a user connects the call, the fraud representative will ask for the account name, banking details, and password. Also, they try to fool by saying that they will initiate a refund amount. Additionally, they might ask users to download and install a Trojan that can steal information from a user’s PC.

Pay Attention To Frauds Being Done Through Vishing

A team at Kaspersky says, “There has been a flood of sending fake emails to users. For cyber thieves, this method of enticing users to contact the phone number is much more effective and efficient.”

Kaspersky’s Roman Dedenok said, ‘We have recently detected several waves of spam e-mails, which appear to be from large companies, informing users about substantial purchases does. This type of fraud usually involves high-end devices, such as the Apple Watch or a gaming laptop from Amazon, in which payments are made via PayPal.’

Singh Vivek

With over 5 years of writing obituaries for a different organisation, I have a uniquely wry voice that shines through in my newest collection of articles.

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