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Women Work Way More Than Men But Still Get Paid Lesser

You must have come across the statistics that women make less money than men for the same work. Proving that the gender pay gap is real. Sadly, the facts aren’t wrong.

Often people think that it is because women are less educated. However, that’s not the real case.

Women Get Paid Lesser Wages

gender pay gap

According to some, women spend less time at work or naturally opt for jobs that offer lesser pay. But in reality, it is just another handicapped mentality of the work system that has its roots embedded deep down in our society.

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It has been noted that if women move into a new field, the pay rate for such a job goes down. These facts about the gender pay gap supported by studies which were mostly done for common fields like medicine and biology, computer coding etc.
As per a leading sociologist, “It’s not that women are always picking lesser things in terms of skill and importance. It’s just that the employers are deciding to pay them less.”
It is one of the many clear examples of gender discrimination because people still believe that if a woman can do a job, it must be easy. Which is why lesser wages are justified for women as they aren’t doing hard work.

Why Low Salary For Women?

Another sad part about this whole ordeal is that women not only get paid lesser, but they also work more than men. On average, a woman works at east 50 minutes more than men in office.

Also, after office hours, women have to work an equal share in terms of household chores. Again, they aren’t even paid for there jobs that they do in homes.

On the other hand, men just work in-office hours. And that too is less, when compared to the working hours of a female. Additionally, men don’t have any part in household chores that adds up the extra workload for women.

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As per the gender gap report,  it will at least take 170 years before women reach gender equality in economic opportunity and political empowerment.

In Conclusion:

It’s a sad truth that prevails according to the norms of society and crippled mentality of the entire work system. It would certainly require a tsunami of changes to bring the standard pay rates and offer equal respect in terms of wages for women.

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Till then, women will have to fight for it just like a million other things she has to fight for every day.

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