Food & Drinks

Foods That Help Prevent Acne


Types of Water: 9 Different Sources and Brands, Plus Benefits & Risks

Water is life, its carries nutrition, minerals, and oxygen to your internal body, keeping organs nourished, vital, and fit to fight with bacterial acne, water has the capacity to remove toxins and bacteria on the skin, also help in reducing the possible for pore-clogging in the process. Expert always suggest drinking at least 8 to 9-liter water in a day,

Olive Oil

China's appetite for olive oil slowly growing as eating habits change - CGTN

Olive oil has the potential to reduce the skin pores the Olive oil lotion absorbs into skin without clogging pores, also help in allowing the skin to breathe which make your skin healthy and acne-free

Lemon Juice

7 Benefits of Lemon Water: Vitamin C, Weight Loss, Skin, and More

Lemon juice is a Superfood that helps in removing all acid waste of the body cleansing the liver with citric acid and building up enzymes to eliminate blood toxins. It also removes the pores of the skin and keeps your skin feeling nourished and bright.


How to Pick a Watermelon That Tastes Extra Sweet | Real Simple

Watermelon is food that has 90% of water it is a great ingredient for gently exfoliating away dead skin cells and is useful for clogging your pores and keeping your skin from looking healthy and bright. Watermelon helps in removing blemishes on the skin. It contains vitamins A, B, and C  which keep the skin fresh, radiant, and hydrated. It also prevents the eruption of acne and removes scars and marks of acne.


7 Health Benefits of Red Raspberries (and Full Nutrition Facts)

Raspberries are healthy as they contain with vitamins c, antioxidants, and fiber which is vital to collagen production, a protein that makes up 75% of your skin, These fruits have phytochemicals that are protective of skin.,. As you age, collagen decreases, causing wrinkles and sagging and here Raspberries help prevent and repair skin harm from the sun


Health Benefits of Walnuts | EatingWell

Walnuts are also one of the superfoods, enriched with unbelievable moisturizing and nourishing properties.  Eating some walnuts on a daily basis helps to make your skin soft and moist   Walnuts oils contain linoleic acid when you massage with walnut oil on your face and body you can see intensely moisturizes and conditioning which helps to keep the skin’s structure properly and it watertight and well hydrated.

Walnuts are loaded with lots of nutrients such as vitamins B5 and E which help in fading scars, reducing spots, body marks, and patchy skin and they also provide intense moisture. All these properties of walnuts come together to make your skin seem really charming and flow less


Selenium Foods: 20 Selenium-Rich Foods for Every Diet

Dietary selenium comes from nuts, cereals etc. Some studies show that even skin damaged by the sun may suffer fewer consequences if selenium levels are high


Apples: Benefits, nutrition, and tips

Apples are of healthier fruit in the earth which contains lots of nutrients and vitamin, apple has pectins which help to remove acne. So, don’t forget to eat the skin too as pectin is mostly focussed there.

Low-Fat Product

13 Low-Fat Foods That Are Good For Your Health

Always try to eat a good and balanced diet for healthy skin, eat low-fat dairy products consisting of vitamins to make your skin healthy


yogurt | Definition, Production, & Uses | Britannica

Yogurt is good food makes you skin free from acne as yogurt is rich with antifungal and antibacterial potentials, eat and apply yogurt on your face to cleansing the skin and unblocking clogged pores.

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I Varsha Chhirolya having an experience in digital marketing of 5 years, I am an account manager in CREATIVE Ad Agency.

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