
Foldable ‘Baby Seat’ Introduced By Indian Railways

Indian Railway has come up with a new creative effort to make the traveling experience easier and better for mothers. Indian Railway has introduced ‘foldable’ baby seats so that young mothers can get maximum comfort while traveling with their young ones.

The baby birth has been introduced in coach number 194129/B4, berth number 12 and 60 of Lucknow mail. This creative initiative was announced by the railways on mother’s day.
The announcement was made by Northern Railway Lucknow Division through their official Twitter handle. This is seen as a positive and welcoming initiative for mothers who often face certain difficulties while traveling with their infants.

‘Baby Birth’ Introduced in Lucknow Mail

As per the official Twitter handle of Northern Railway Lucknow Division, the newly introduced baby berth is foldable with hinges and it can be secured with a stopper when required. The Lucknow Division of Northern Railways also shared the pictures of the baby berth on their twitter handle. The tweet goes as,

The baby berth is attached to the lower berth and is constructed in such a way that the baby does not fall from the berth while sleeping or resting.

The Lucknow Division of Northern Railways tweeted, “ Happy Mother’s Day. A baby berth has been introduced in Coach no 194129/ B4, berth no 12 & 60 in Lucknow Mail, to facilitate mothers traveling with their babies. The fitted baby seat is foldable and is secured with a stopper.”

Jabalpur Railways Provides Passengers With Digital Locker

A new initiative has been launched by railways at the Jabalpur station in order to make the luggage of passengers safe while traveling. This is done in order to redevelop stations. As per the railway ministry, the digital locker can be opened with a four-digit code. The announcement was made by the ministry of railways through their official twitter handle. The Railway ministry shared the pictures of Digital Locker on their twitter handle. It is introduced at Jabalpur railway station. Read the tweet here:

Anu Kumari

An avid reader who embraces imperfections and loves story-telling.

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