Food & Drinks

Flax Seeds vs Chia Seeds – The Difference

Chia Seeds and Flax Seeds are tiny but have major benefits for health and fitness. These seeds are not only preferred by the fitness freaks but are also advised by doctors. The main concern here is which one is best for you- Flax Seeds or Chia Seeds.

I was wondering the same and did some research and after doing some R&D, I found some stats that you should be aware of. This article is about Flax Seeds vs Chia Seed and I’m gonna share the differences between the two, ‘Health Benefits Of Chia And Flax Seeds’, ‘Right Way To Eat These Seeds’, and finally what will be the best choice for you. So without further ado, let’s get in to it.

First Thing First, What These Seeds Actually Are:

Flax Seeds: Flax seeds are sleek and a little bigger in size in comparison to Chia seeds. Often called as linseeds, these seeds are golden and brown in color with a sticky taste. These little seeds come from the Flax plant and it is said that it was first grown in Egypt but now it is available all over the world. The Flax seed plant is not bigger in size than 1.5 or 2 ft tall.

Chia Seeds: Chia seeds are tiny and come from the Salvia Hispanica plant (desert plant). It is assumed that Central America is the source land of these seeds & Ancient Aztec or natives use it as a part of their staple diet. Chia seeds are insipid in taste as compared to Flax seeds.

Flax Seeds vs Chia Seeds – The Difference

  1. The first and foremost difference between the two is the taste; Chia Seeds are bland in taste whereas the Flax seeds are sticky.
  2. Chia seeds are tiny and smaller in size as compared to Flax seeds. Chia seeds are round or oval in shape and gray with black or white spots, and Flax seeds are oval and flat in shape.
  3. Flax seeds contain more fiber and calories than Chia seeds.
  4. Flax seeds have less iron than Chia seeds.
  5. Chia seeds have the bone strengthening minerals that Flax seeds lack. Chia seeds and Flax seeds both are great to reduce the risk of cancer. But, Flax seeds are slightly more powerful and it is more effective than chia seeds.

Nutrition Comparison – Flax Seeds vs Chia Seeds (28-g or 3 tablespoons)

Flax SeedsChia Seeds
Omega 3 Fatty Acids6400 mg4900 mg
Omega 6 Fatty Acids1700 mg1600 mg

The above table will clear all your doubts and how much calories, fat, protein and other nutrients these seeds have. You can clearly find the best for you by looking at the chart but if you don’t know what these values are for, you must consult with professionals or the doctors.

Flax Seeds vs Chia Seeds: Health Benefits

Both are known as great source nutrition and have great health benefits if consumed properly. Let’s discuss the health benefits of both one by one.

Flax Seeds Health Benefits

  1. Lower the risk of Heart Diseases: Flax seeds contain a great amount of ALA (Alpha Linolenic Acid that has properties of Omega 3 Fat.
  2. Best for Reducing the Risk of Cancer: Flax seeds are good for protecting against breast cancer.
  3. Contains 15 times higher antioxidant than Chia seeds to reduce the risk of developing cancer
  4. Reduced hunger as it is a great source of fiber
  5. It helps to improve digestion.

Chia Seeds Health Benefits

  1. Nutrition booster: It contains less calories and more minerals, vitamins and nutrients.
  2. Tiny seeds are anti-inflammatory that helps to achieve optimal health.
  3. Reduce the risk of heart diseases and Cancer
  4. Helps in reduce the blood sugar
  5. It also help to improve the digestion

Chia Seeds vs Flax Seeds: Right Way To Eat and Consume

As you have already been through the benefits and differences of Chia seeds and Flax seeds, you may plan to buy them, right? These ain’t costly but the benefits are worth it. You can buy Flax seeds and Chia seeds combo packs to try both.

Now, you are aware of the benefits and differences. It’s time to add them to your diet. Wondering how?

Improper and insufficient consumption of these seeds would be of no benefits. So, read the instruction carefully to get the most out of it and stay healthy.

How To Consume Flax Seeds?

It’s always been a topic of discussion how one can eat Flax seeds, grounded or whole? Don’t get confused; just read these tips and start eating Flax seeds to stay healthy.

  1. Add one tablespoon of ground Flax seeds in your breakfast.
  2. You can eat it like Porridge.
  3. Take it with Yogurt (just add one tablespoon of ground Flax seeds in approximately 236 ml or 250 ml cup)
  4. Mix it with Shake.
  5. Bake it into cookies.

If you want to escape the lengthy process, you can simply gulp these flax seeds with water or you can sprinkle these seeds to cooked dish.

How To Consume Chia Seeds?

You can add Chia seeds to your diet in many ways. But, don’t forget to check the quality of Chia seeds first. The good quality Chia seeds are naturally black or white in color. You can buy premium Chia seeds at the best affordable prices at The Daily Nut Co. Here’s how you can make the most out of it.

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  1. Prepare Chia pudding. The best and the most preferable way to eat Chia seeds is Chia Pudding. If you love puddings and want to make it healthier, then just add some Chia seeds into it. It’s the only way to make Chia more delicious and healthy.
  2. Have it in your breakfast. Yes, you read it right; you can eat it with oats and milk by just adding some Chia seeds.
  3. If you love shakes (like banana shake, mango shake, strawberry shake), then why not make it nutritious. Add some Chia in to it and make your shakes more healthy.
  4. You can also take it with Yogurt
  5. Chia Drink: Chia drinks are costly but you can also prepare it at home by just adding 2 or 3 spoons into juice or coconut water.

Which Is Best For You: Chia Seeds or Flax Seeds?

Well, both the seeds have very less difference and have more health benefits with slight variation in the nutritional values. So, if you have read the whole blog, then you’ve got the idea what will be best for you. But, if you can go with the Flax seeds as it is more effective then Chia seeds in most aspects. You can also have both together to get accumulated benefits.

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