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Female Foeticide In Uttarkashi District Is a Slap On Central Governments ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’

While Central government is using all its might to spread and incorporate ‘Beti Bachao Beti Padhao’ scheme, there is something fishy going on in the state of Uttarkashi.

Or at least that is what is seems, when you look at the sex ratio at birth data from 132 villages in Uttarkashi district.

What is happening in Uttarkashi?

Female Foeticide In Uttarkashi

The data from the state reveals that not even a single girl child was born in 132 villages during the last three months. Now, its not possible that there would be no girl child born despite having 216 children being birthed during the period.

According to a report in HT, District Magistrate Dr. Ashish Chauhan was quoted saying , “We have identified areas where the number of girl childbirth is zero or in single-digit numbers. We are monitoring these areas to find out what is affecting the ratio. A detailed survey and study will be conducted to identify the reason behind it.”

Following the suspicion, Dr. Chauhan went ahead with an emergency meeting with ASHA workers and asked them to be more vigilant in those areas. However, ASHA workers had a straight theory for it.

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The truth behind no girl child births

Female Foeticide In Uttarkashi

Going by the views of social workers, these villages have been up to something sinister. And yes, there are strong chances that there is female foeticide going on in all those areas.

One of the worker alleged that,”No girl child was born for three months in these villages. It cannot be just a coincidence. This clearly indicates female foeticide is taking place in the district. The government and the administration are not doing anything.”

On the other hand, senior journalists are trying to force the government to take some necessary measure or soon Uttarkashi will start facing sex ratio issues.

“Shocking sex ratio data has come up in the district. It raises a question on the Centre’s “Beti Bachao Beti Padhao” scheme. The numbers clearly show that female foeticide is taking place. The administration needs to take strict actions to put an end to this.”

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In Conclusion:

Its sad to see that even after the issue of sex ratio has been widely publicized to make people aware of the future repercussion, people don’t pay any heed to it. What’s currently happening in Uttarkashi might not seem problematic at present, but soon it can take shape of a prevailing issue that will take generations to fix.

After Haryana has considerably fixed its sex ration issue, are we ready to see another state taking up its place? After all, do we really need a sex ratio problem to spark in another Indian state with already so much to deal with?

What do you think government should do? 

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