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Watch: Farmers Union Building ‘Pucca’ Houses On Roads At Singhu Border

The Haryana police in the Sonipat district has halted the ongoing construction work of the Pucca houses by the farmers at the Signhu border after a couple of FIRs were filed against the illegal constructions. Two FIRs have been filed against the farmers at the Kundli police station on Friday (March 12, 2021). 

The FIRs were filed by the NHAI and Kundli municipality officials.
pacca house
Source – Twitter

Trying all the means ot irk the government, the Farmers union have started building these houses as a safeguard from the upcoming summer. The farmers’ leaders, who seem to be getting less attention from the walks of society, as of now, have begun to hold rallies against the BJP in the poll-bound states of West Bengal, Assam, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Puducherry.

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Recently, Rakesh Takait held a Mahapanchayat in West Bengal’s Nandigram, the seat from where Mamata Banerjee is set to contest the election. In the rally, the topic of discussion was how Takait wants to open a mandi at Parliament, clearly showing his obsession for APMCs and the income that middlemen like him receive from there.

Over the months, Takait has alleged that government will take away MSP from farmers but he never highlights the fact that how the government procures grains from farmers every year to distribute them to over 70 crosses beneficiaries of the PDS (ration card), which at no cost can be stopped and thus neither can MSP be.

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Karamjit Singh, who looks after the media cell of the Samyukta Kisan Morcha (SKM), told IANS that farmer leaders from Punjab held a meeting on Friday and discussed constructing ‘pucca’ houses at the Singhu border. 

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“On Friday, farmer leaders from Punjab discussed constructing ‘pucca’ houses at Singhu border. The meeting revolved around ways to protect farmers at the border from the scorching summer. There are four houses in all being built at the border, but their number is likely to increase. All these houses will be two-storeyed,” he was quoted as saying.

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