
Facts About The Most Deadly Pandemic, Spanish Flu 1918, And How It Ended

As the world is trying to deal with the coronavirus pandemic, many know that it’s also not the first time that the human race has seen any such pandemic rattle lives. There’re lessons to be taken from a same kind of worldwide pandemic that had occurred in the year 1918. And that many people don’t know about the same, here are some facts about the pandemic that will help you understand it well.

1. Spanish Flu originated in the year 1918.

Influenza or flu is a virus that attacks the respiratory system. When an infected person coughs, sneezes or talks, respiratory droplets are generated and transmitted into the air, just like in the case of cornavirus, and can then can be inhaled by anyone nearby. At that time, the world didn’t have much knowledge about flu and its effects.

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2. Spanish flu symptoms.

The first signs of flu occurred in the spring of 1918. Any person to get infected with the flu had symptoms like chills, fever and fatigue, usually recovered after several days, and the number of reported deaths was low.

The flu, however, got serve during the fall, as people began to die in days and hours of developing the symptoms.

3. The flu first observed in Europe.

1918 flu was first observed in Europe, and then later spread in America and areas of Asia before spreading to almost every other part of the planet.

4. Spanish Flu infected over 500 million worldwide.

The 1981 pandemic that infected over 500 million, that was the 1/3rd of the population that time, was named Spanish Flu despite the fact that it didn’t originate in Spain. It is called Spanish Flu and linked with Spain because it was the only country back then to cover news about the flu in media on a huge level. Other countries, didn’t have much press freedom back then.

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5. Spanish Flu killed as many as 50 million people.

The number of deaths was estimated to be at least 50 million worldwide. Unites States, back then, was one of the worst affected with about 675,000 deaths. Moreover, the virus affected all generations equally.

6. Where did the flu originated from?

It’s not known where the flu originated from. Though theories point to France, China, Britain, or the United States, where the first known case was reported at Camp Funston in Fort Riley, Kansas, on March 11, 1918.

7. How did doctors treat the Spanish flu?

Unlike now, back then there was no medicine to treat flu. And doctors had no clue what to do to stop the flu spread. Moreover, World War I had complicated the situation as most of the physicians’, doctors were busy treating Army men.

Just like today, people back then were also asked to isolate themselves. Non-essential public services were shut down and people were advised to wear a mask to ensure they don’t catch the flu.

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8. Aspirin poisoning.

Not sure what to do, doctors back then recommended people to take 30 grams of Asprin per day, a dose that today is known to be toxic. That didn’t help is restaining symptoms and lead to poisoning in the body. And it is now believed that many of the October deaths were actually caused or hastened by aspirin poisoning.

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9. End of the flu.

In 1918, returning soldiers brought flu in America and unintentionally transferred it to people. People began dying in large numbers. America strictly asked its people to stay indoors and wear mask. It fined those who didn’t adhere to the orders

In summer 1919, the Spanish Flu pandemic came to an end as people infected with the flu either died or developed an immunity. In 2008, researchers finally announced what made the 1918 flu so deadly: A group of three genes enabled the virus to weaken a victim’s bronchial tubes and lungs and clear the way for bacterial pneumonia.

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