
7 Cool Everyday Phrases That Can Be Used In Any Situation

You all have a favorite phrase that you like to use  EVERYWHERE.

It doesn’t matter if you are happy, sad or pissed. That phrase suits all your needs and perfectly fits the situation you are facing. Ring a bell?

Well, let me refresh your memory with the most common ones that are used worldwide in all situations you can possibly imagine. Here are the phrases you use every day-

1. What the hell

Everyday Phrases

From showing that you are shocked to referring to something creepy, ‘what the hell’ is the first phrase in our list. One of these situations is when you score 100 in your maths test and the first word that came out of your dad’s mouth is, “What the hell”.

He is so shocked that he can’t believe what he has just witnessed. Though, this is just your imagination and nothing like this ever going to happen to you. Now you can say, “What the hell, man.”

Also Read: These Are The Takiyaakalaams (Common Phrases) Without Which Everyone’s Day Is Incomplete

2. That’s bullshit

Everyday Phrases

That’s bullshit, doesn’t actually refer to the real bull-shit. It is used mostly to dodge accusation that you don’t want to admit. India carried out a top secret mission to eliminate terrorists, to which all the Pakistani media channels react like, “That’s bullshit,” and deny for the reality.

Whenever you don’t want to believe in something just say, “That’s bull shit” and move on. Yeah, literally that works brilliantly in most of the cases.

3. Excuse me

Everyday Phrases

Excuse me is a very gentle phrase, often used to gain someone’s attention politely. So, when your girlfriend is kissing the other guy (maybe when she is drunk), you can politely say “excuse me, love,” to gain back her attention.

I hope she doesn’t reply with fuck off (which is another common phrase to use in any situation). Also, I hope she is not imaginary.

4. What the fuck

Everyday Phrases

What the fuck is pretty much the same as what the hell. As there are two types of people in this world some love hell while others love to fuck. You can’t judge them, though most people use when they feel offended with someone’s word.

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And believe me, it’s not a gentle world like excuse me. So, never use it in an office meeting or you’ll have no office to do the meeting.

5. Are you kidding me

 Are you kidding me everyday phrase

When you don’t believe that your friend is telling the truth. In case, you see your friend in the public holding hand of a girl (presumably his girlfriend) and you can’t believe that this is all true. You can look up into the sky to scream, “Are you kidding me.”

Make sure to speak in a loud voice because God might not be able to hear you if you whisper like a girl.

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6. I don’t give a fuck

everyday phrases

Most of you know this one for sure. I know it already and this is one of my favorite words. You don’t believe me, well I don’t give a fuck. In simple term, it means you don’t care.

The word is mostly used to respond to unwanted critics. Just the phrase, “I don’t give a fuck” can help you from so much trash talk. And if you make this your life motto, you will be sorted for life man!

7. Fuck you

Everyday Phrases

Just like every other phrase, you can use these two magical words in many different ways. You can use it to show your anger (with the intention to hurt the other person’s feeling).

But primarily, this modern slang is used to express contempt. It is the favorite word of couples who are going to break up soon.

Chose your modern slang

So what’s your favorite one? I hope you have one, but in case you don’t have any, chose the one that sounds appealing to you. It’s better than abusing someone and the best part is that you can also use these phrases in any situation.

From showing your anger to show how surprised you are. Take your pick.

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