
Election Commission Of India Announces Presidential Election Schedule

The Election Commission of India will announce the schedule of the Presidential elections today. The announcement is done through a press conference at 3 PM. 

Presidential Election Schedule Announced

The term of President Ram Nath Kovind will come to an end on July 24, 2022. As per article 62 of the Indian Constitution, the next President has to be elected before that. The voting will be held on July 18 and vote counting on July 21,2022. The presidential elections of 2017 were held on July 17 and the counting was done on July 20, 2017. The president is the head of the state and is the first citizen of India.

How is the President of India Elected?

The President of India is elected by a presidential election which is conducted by the Election Commission of India. The president is elected by the Electoral college which includes elected members of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha and elected members of the Legislative Assemblies of the states including Delhi and Puducherry (both UT).In totality, the electoral college has 4,896 electors.

  • 543 members of the Lok Sabha
  • 233 members of the Rajya Sabha
  • 4,120 members of Legislative Assemblies 

Any citizen of India aged 35 or above can become the president of India.He/she must fulfill the conditions to become a member of the Lok Sabha. The presidential elections are different from regular elections and have a complex procedure. Merely a majority is not enough. To win, the candidate must get more than 50% of the total electoral votes.

Anu Kumari

An avid reader who embraces imperfections and loves story-telling.

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