
Edgy Content Ideas That Will Grow Followers On Instagram

Instagram has become a remarkable place for entertainers, businesses, educators, social workers and many more. Launched in 2010, Instagram has grown to become an online space where an edgy content can bring engagement to your account and thereafter you can sell your products and services.

Businesses have flocked and influencers have created their USPs and have gotten a success that could never be matched by traditional ways of marketing and selling. You must be wondering that you only post your pictures and Reels there so why this person is talking about business?

You must have come across advertisements, sponsored posts and collaborations where businesses either independently or with influencers promote their product through sensible content. There are few tips that every creator and business follows on Instagram and it is a recipe for success.

You need to target your audience first and decide which colour scheme will be your USP (unique selling point). Other things that you can do are pick a theme, edit your pictures, use more hashtags. To start with you can also buy arabic instagram followers or whichever region you are targeting. Once you have a good number you can start expecting an organic growth in your account.

Let’s start with our tips and tricks that will help you grow followers on Instagram

Know Your Target Audience

Before making content you should decide who you want to target. It can be children, college students, elderly people or a certain gender. Once you have picked your target audience you can plan content that will resonate with their minds better. Make edgy content that will make your audience come back to your account over and over again.

Colour Scheme Is Important

Your Instagram account should have a single colour scheme and I will tell why it is important. If you set a single colour scheme it will help your followers to navigate through your account easily. It will set a unique aesthetic and make your work look sincere and focused. Gravitate towards basic colours like white, blue, yellow or green. Do not use complicated shades as primary colours leave a better cognitive mark.

Also read:

Top 4 Reasons to Switch to an Instagram for Business Account

Theme Is A USP

It is same as colour scheme as it will give you a unique selling point. A consistent theme will also save you from horrors of designing a new creative for background every time you are making content. Note that you should develop a theme during the start and stick to it. You might find it difficult while working in collaborations as brand would want you to use their colour schemes and themes. But make them understand that your audience has affinity towards your theme and it will convince them.

Editing Is Not Always Bad

Take professional looking pictures from your camera or smartphone. Some people think that filters and editing ruin the natural tinge that pictures and videos have in real life. You need to be smart with your editing and make sure that your edits resonate with your account aesthetics.

Use More Hashtags

Hashtags make you appear in fresh searches and if you are looking forward to expand your followers use more hashtags. For a start you can also buy arab instagram followers or whichever region is your target. Do not over-optimize your posts and use only relevant hashtags.

Experiment With Content

Keep experimenting with different features that Instagram provides like Stories, Polls, Questions, Reels and more. Stories are the best way to engage with quick engagements and you can also ask questions to your audience. Just make sure that you are creating a brand and you can only do that if you have edgy content, a relevant strategy and a unique selling point. You have to sync all of this and you will be good to go.

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Siddhant Baranwal

Siddhant is a Content Creator. He has been doing this for past three years and have managed to gain good attention of audiences for his work. He is an active reader and has huge respect for art and theatre.

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