Here Are 5 Reasons Why Your Skin Looks Dull And What You Should Do About It

Everyone is fed up of the way their skin looks. That’s practically everyone’s life story nowadays, isn’t it?

Some are frustrated with the oil build-up on their face, while some complaint of dryness. You mighdull skin how to get rid of itt even hear people sulking because their skin looks uneven and there’s no glow on their face whatsoever.

All this is caused by 5 main problems which can be tackled if you use the right product in the right manner. It’s not just about using expensive age-defying beauty  serums. Sometimes, you just need to understand the root of the problem and deal with it in the right way.

1. Your skin is dehydrated

dull skin how to get rid of it

If you feel that applying a lot of moisturizes on your face alone can get rid of dryness, you are wrong. Your face starts looking dull if you don’t have enough water in your body. Yes, applying cream based moisturizes helps, but only when you fulfill the body’s need for water first.

Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses of water for hydrated skin.

Also Read: 3 Tips That Guarantees Glowing Skin In Summer

2. A lot of dead skin has accumulated

dull skin how to get rid of it

If you don’t have the habit to scrub your face often, chances are that it is the main reason why your skin looks dull. Dead skin cells get accumulated on your face and need extra care. Try to use home remedies for getting rid of dead skin. Use a mix of gram flour, turmeric, and milk to make a smooth paste. Apply on your skin and leave it to dry.

Wash off with water and rub the paste slowly on your face as you wash it off.

3. Pollution has taken a toll

dull skin how to get rid of it

Now, you all know how harmful pollution is. No wonder your face will look tired and dull after a long days work. Make it a habit to wash off your face as soon as you get back home and apply a light moisturizer. Let your skin breathe for the night. Avoid putting any make-up and stay away from cheap cosmetics.

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Keep a face wash handy and wash your face whenever you feel it’s getting dull.

4. Sun damage is a real thing

dull skin how to get rid of it

I know, some of you feel that sun damage is not something to be scared of. A little bit of sunblock will keep you safe, but you need to be a little bit more careful about it. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause lifelong damage to your facial skin.

Always apply sunblock at least half an hour before you step out so that your skin absorbs it.

Also Read: These 7 Aasanas Will Gift You Glowing Skin

5. Stress monster is behind it

dull skin how to get rid of it

Yes, stress not only gives you irritation, insomnia but also dull skin. When you are too stressed it shows on your skin. Try to stay away from situations that make you stressed. Keep a healthy routine and do meditation to relax your body and release stress. Eat fruits and take lots of juices.

This will help you take your mind off stress and you will start noticing a glow from within.

In Conclusion:

This summer doesn’t let any problem making your skin dull. Make sure that you pamper your skin and keep it fully hydrated. Don’t apply cheap cosmetics and avoid any stress to have a healthy glow.

Get rid of dull skin and pay attention to what your skin needs. 

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