
Demanding Gandhis To Quit Politics After A Massive Defeat

After encountering a massive defeat in five states, several people are calling for Gandhis to step down from politics and for Congress to find a new face. 

Several Demanding Gandhis To Quit Politics

The 2022 assembly election outbursts as a storm for the INC, as the party has experienced a severe defeat in all five states including Uttarakhand, Manipur, Uttar Pradesh, Goa, and Punjab. Congress is regarded as one of the oldest parties whose poor performance in five state assembly elections has added to a string of disappointing outcomes, creating serious doubts about the party’s future prospects.

Also Read: Sonia Gandhi Asks PCC Chiefs Of 5 States To Resign

Demand For A New Face in Politics

Considering the ongoing situation, For the sake of their party and the country, Indian historian Ramachandra Guha outrightly demanded that the three Gandhi’s – Sonia, Priyanka, and Rahul should step down from politics immediately. Sanjay Jha, a former Congress spokesperson, called for a new face in the party’s leadership, expressing optimism for the party’s future.

No “Sense Of Attachment” with Citizens

Although Congress has been counted amongst the oldest parties of India, since Independence. But the charm of the party diminishes gradually with the onset of the Modi Govt (BJP) in power, since 2014.

The party had a chance to win Punjab but was defeated by the AAP badly, while the BJP was able to gain ground. Guha stated that the Gandhis failed to create an imprint on the minds of the Indian Public. 

Citizens are looking for a leader without Political Background who has risen from the ground. The future of congress is dark as long as the Gandhis are in charge.

Senior Congress leader – Kapil Sibal stated ‘Gandhis should step aside from the leadership role and give a chance to someone else to lead the party.

Who Would Be The Next Face?

Between this tough scenario for the Congress Party, speculations related to the next party’s president have been started. Sanjay Jha raised their demand for a new face to the party’s leadership in this difficult situation. He expressed the former Deputy Chief Minister of Rajasthan and Tonk’s MLA, Sachin Pilot to be his viewpoint as a potential leader to restore Congress’s Prestige. 

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One Comment

  1. Not too fond of any political party. But I sincerely feel Rahul Gandhi should give up now and I hope to see Sachin Pilot, takes over.

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