EntertainmentWeb Series

Crash Course Trailer Launched, Story Bear Resemblance To Kota Factory

The trailer of ‘Crash Course’ has been launched recently. Directed by Vijay Maurya, the show will premiere on August 5, 2022, on Amazon Prime Video. Read on to find more trending entertainment news here.

Amazon Original Series ‘Crash Course’

Crash Course Trailer Launched, Story Bear Resemblance To Kota Factory

The trailer of the series ‘Crash Course’ was launched on Monday. The story opens up with a group of students who juggle between achieving their academic goals and enjoying their life with friends. The trailer underlines the giant business and marketing tactics of coaching institutes which exert tremendous pressure on the minds of students. It also talks about the pressure of meeting the expectations of family and parents. The cast of the show includes Annu Kapoor, Mohit Solanki, Hridhu Haroon, Anushka Kaushik, Riddhi Kumar, Bhavesh Balchandani, Aryan Singh, Hetal Gada, Anvesha Vij, Bhanu Uday, Udit Arora, Pranay Pachauri, and Bidita Bag. The show is written by Manish Hariprasad and Raina Roy.

Watch the trailer here,

More About The Series

Crash Course Trailer Launched, Story Bear Resemblance To Kota Factory

The ‘About’ section of the trailer reads,”Crash Course is a drama series that follows the life of eight new students who have come to study in Kota’s two biggest, rival coaching institutes. The Ratanraj Jindal vs. Arvind Batra rivalry is an old one. They are the owners of the top institutes, hell-bent upon finishing the other to gain complete control of the education business in Kota. Their no-holds-barred rivalry is akin to a chess game. The pawns in this game are the students and the teachers. The 8 core students – Anil, Sathya, Aviral, Rakesh, Vidhi, Shanaya, Tejal and Nikki, represent the half a million that throng the city of Kota every year with their dreams and ambitions. Their student life is full of fun and camaraderie in the beginning but slowly the pressures and the competition intensifies. The show follows the journey of these students as they find friendship, experience first love, heartbreaks, peer pressure, and lose the innocence of youth. As the two drastically different worlds of the students and the coaching institute owners collide, there is pandemonium. The stakes are raised, motives clash and lives are put at risk.”

Director Vijay Maurya On Crash Course

Director Vijay Maurya talks about the making of this series and says, “Crash Course is a true labor of love. It is a story that is thought-provoking, entertaining and engrossing. The series gives a well-rounded perspective into the lives of students and the joys and struggles they are faced with as they navigate adulthood while battling family and peer pressure in a highly competitive environment. With Crash Course, I have not only had the privilege to direct actors like Annu ji, Bhanu, Udit, Bidita and Pranay – each of whom are undoubtedly powerful performers, but also work with an array of fresh talented actors who have given it their all and gotten into the skin of their characters.”

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The trailer has reminded audiences of the TVF series ‘Kota Factory’ which was also based on the struggle and competitive environment that students face while studying for exams like NEET and JEE.

Anu Kumari

An avid reader who embraces imperfections and loves story-telling.

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