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COVID-19 Cases Falling Dramatically, WHO Says “Seize This Opportunity”

Fresh cases of COVID-19 have dropped surprisingly, the WHO or World Health Organisation alerted, on Wednesday, saying that we need to “Seize This Opportunity” to cause the end of the pandemic.

COVID-19 Cases Falling Dramatically, Says WHO

WHO Advised ‘It’s Right Time To End The Pandemic

WHO Chief, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said, fresh cases of COVID-19, a disease which has taken millions of lives since 2019, have dropped to the lowest since March 2020.

“We have never been in a better position to end the pandemic”, “We are not there yet, but the end is in sight”, he said.

With a warning gesture, he said the World should “seize this opportunity”. “If we don’t take this opportunity now, we run the risk of more variants, more deaths, more disruption, and more uncertainty”, he added.

WHO’s most delinquent COVID-19 epidemiological report shows, that “the number of reported cases fell 28 per cent to 3.1 million during the week ending September 11, following a 12-per cent-drop a week earlier.”

Fresh COVID-19 Cases Being Reported Are An “Underestimate”

But after all this, the agency still knows and warned us that this major decrease in fresh cases is deceptive, the testing process in many countries has become apathetic and they are not taking less serious cases into count.

“The number of cases that are being reported to WHO we know is an underestimate”, Maria Van Kerkhove, WHO’s Technical Lead (COVID), told reporters.

“We feel that far more cases are circulating than are being reported to us”, she said.

She also asserted that “the virus is circulating at a very intense level around the world at present”.

The estimated number of COVID-19 cases, which is 605 million since the start of the pandemic followed by 6.4 million deaths, is also believed to be a major underestimate.

“A WHO study published in May based on excess mortality seen in various countries during the pandemic estimated that up to 17 million people may have died from Covid in 2020 and 2021,” mentioned NDTV.

Going forward without tightening the thing up will likely welcome “future waves of infection, potentially at different time points throughout the world, caused by different sub-variants of Omicron or even different variants of concern”, noted Van Kerkhove.

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However, she added that “those future waves of infection do not need to translate into future waves of death.”

“These policy briefs are an urgent call for governments to take a hard look at their policies, and strengthen them for Covid-19 and future pathogens with pandemic potential”, said Tedros.

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“We can end this pandemic together, but only if all countries, manufacturers, communities and individuals step up and seize this opportunity”, added.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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