
China’s Zero Covid Strategy: Cramped Metal Boxes

Since Covid-19 broke out in Wuhan in 2019 China has always presented itself has a nation that has best strategy to control the spread of infection. It calls it Zero Covid Strategy and it includes a set of measures that people of China have to follow strictly.

These measures include lockdown enforcements, forced mass testing and extensive quarantine in cramped metal boxes. The Chinese government has claimed that it has contained nearly 30 outbreaks through this strategy.

The strategy might be effective in containing the spread of infection but it is inhumane and people of all age are suffering.

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What Is Happening Inside Quarantine Camps?

At quarantine camps people are confines in tiny cells and have a toilet and a bed. People have to spend two weeks in such bunkers. Even pregnant women, children and elder people are not spared.

Some people have posted pictures of the quarantine camps online and pictures are troubling. People also have said that a little food is provided to people in the camps.

Only a few voices have come out against Zero Covid Strategy because of tight censorship that Chinese government imposes on its policy.

How People Are Traumatized?

Communities have complained that they have experienced extreme situations. There is lack of medical care, food supplies and essentials in these quarantine camps. People were already suffering from broken economy and now the government has brought this wrath. Families have been separated from each other and people are angry with the government.

Such inhumane treatment of people under Zero Covid Strategy is not the first for Chinese government. Currently, there is also strict restriction on flights and trains. People have not met their families for months. Chinese Communist Party has thousands of people loyal towards them due to which government enforces such harsh policies on its people.

People do not have much choice, they have to either submit themselves or face consequences. People who dare to speak against the authoritarian rule face punishments.

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Siddhant Baranwal

Siddhant is a Content Creator. He has been doing this for past three years and have managed to gain good attention of audiences for his work. He is an active reader and has huge respect for art and theatre.

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