
Celebrate Diwali 2020 With the Best Teen Patti Tips & Tricks

Indian culture is rich in traditions and religious customs. Millions of Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs celebrate dozens of festivals throughout the year.


One of the most notable ones is Diwali. In 2020, Diwali falls on the 14th of November. This is a 5-day festival devoted to goddess Lakshmi. People in India enjoy this festival to the fullest. Many people will be spending the festival playing their favorite game – Teen Patti.

Teen Patti

In this article, we’ll tell you why Diwali is celebrated every year and how to spend the festival in style with this game. What comes in the following lines is the premium list of the best Teen Patti tips and tricks.

Why Do We Celebrate Diwali ?

According to the legend, Lord Rama and Mata Sita (Husband and Wife) were separated by force by vicious king Ravana. Having kidnapped Sita, Ravana wanted to make her his wife. Trying to save Sita, Rama asked the monkey (Vanar) god Lord Hanuman for help. Together with Hanuman’s army of monkeys, Rama managed to save Mata Sita.


When they returned home, the couple saw that all locals welcomed them by lighting in their homes on to guide them home. To remember this solemn day, Hindus still celebrate Diwali.

How Is Diwali Celebrated?

Most people take to spring-time cleaning and de-cluttering their homes. They open their windows to let goddess Lakshmi in. She is believed to bring wealth to the homes of people who welcome her.

Diwali Safai

Moreover, Diwali is celebrated by consuming lots of sweets and dried fruit. That’s why it’s particularly popular with children. During the five days of the festival, you can see children and adults like strolling down the streets enjoying their sweet treats.

Often, you’ll notice Hindus exchanging gifts to please Lakshmi.

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Believers also keep candles and diyas lit all day long. This festival is all about light and the five days are colorful and illuminated. Even some non-Indians respect this 5-day event and light candles to celebrate.


In the evening, firework shows are put on and people light their oil lamps. The sky is lit up with yellow and orange lights as the firework explodes in the heavens. Diwali is one of the greatest religious events in India and people like to go big with celebrations.

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People like to hit the streets and celebrate together. So what better way to do it than playing a game of Teen Patti. In modern-day India, many people take to playing games during the five days.

How to Play Teen Patti

Teen Patti is one of the most played traditional games. To prepare you for this November, we garnered the best tips for this famous casino game.

Teen patti

You can play it on the streets, you can enjoy it with your friends at homes and you can also play Live Teen Patti in many live casinos worldwide. Before you register with one, make sure it is licensed and regulated by an eminent supervisory organ. Only gamble at 100% safe and secure online gambling venues.

With that out of the way, let’s move on to how to play Teen Patti during Diwali.

Teen Patti is a card game originating from India. Perhaps that’s why it’s the talk of the town during the festivities. Playable with a single deck of cards with no jokers, Teen Patti is rather easy to grasp.

The dealer receives three cards facing down and you get three cards, too. There could be two players at the table at the time, plus the dealer. In Teen Patti, there are two types of players – blind and seen.

teen patti

The former means that you cannot see your cards. To contrast, the latter kind can see the cards he or she has been dealt. Additionally, you can also opt for chaal. This option allows you to take a look at your hand before placing the bet.

Here’s a pro tip. If you go for chaal that means that you believe that the seen player has a weak hand. What that implies is believing that they will fold (like in poker). So be careful with this one if you like to bluff. Moreover, the chaal is the riskiest move to make in Teen Patti as you completely rely on luck in that scenario.

However, it is Diwali after all, and luck will surely come your way.

The best tips for Teen Patti include placing smaller wagers on safer bets. This is largely a game of chance so there’s no good practical strategy to apply. Instead, make use of luck by playing safely and not overspending.

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And the word to the wise – if you’re playing online, read the Teen Patti paytable with all the relevant rules!

Paint the Town Red

To get ready for Diwali, prepare the nicest clothes you have. If you want to mark it properly, you could even buy some new pieces to furnish your wardrobe. Make sure it’s colourful and bright to signify the light of Lakshmi.

Goddess lakshmi

Also consider redecorating your home with new tapestries, carpets, and curtains. Place figurines and cute bowls on your tables. Play some pleasant, soft, and upbeat music and spend time with your family.

While at it, play Teen Patti and show your friends how it’s done. Put the advice we gave you to use to bring wealth to your home this year!

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