Interesting News

Burari Mass Suicide Highlights 7 Alarming Concerns In India

The world is becoming unpredictable with each passing day.

When they say “Kalyug” is here, they aren’t wrong. On one hand, there are talks about settling on Mars, and on the other hand, there are cases of “Mass Suicide” in the name of salvation.

11 members of a family were found dead in their residence in Burari, Delhi. The entire family including minors as well, it is hard to believe that they just agreed and hanged themselves in the name of religion. This latest case is as horrifying and as shocking as a horror movie.

Moreover, the circumstances under which the bodies were found will make you wonder if this is even the 21st century.

According to the police, 10 bodies were found hanging from an iron mesh in the residence.

The creepy part is that those bodies were gagged and blindfolded, with hands tied. And on top of that, cotton buds were found stuffed in their ears.

On the other hand, the body of the elderly woman was found on the floor in another room.  The whole thing took an even creepier turn when the police found two diaries that had instructions for this mass-suicide.

It means there was someone who was filling their brains with the poison that lead them to commit such a nerve-chilling crime and that too just to meet God. The entire truth about this case is yet to be dug out, so all you can do is wait.

Nevertheless, this case of mass-suicide has questioned the entire existence of religious practices in India. And it isn’t the first time that people have done something utterly stupid and unbelievable in the name of religion.

With rapists, murderers and criminals flourishing in the religious business and brain-less folks following them around blindly, only ‘God’ knows what’s going on.

With so many similar instances surfacing every now and then, you should keep these 7 things in mind and never do them in the name of religion.

1- Never follow any religious Godman blindly

Have you ever wondered how these Godman’s create such a huge fan following? They run their business on fear and blind faith.

You often make such mistake when you are going through a problem. You visit these godman’s to find peace and then very swiftly they settle fear in your mind and convince you to do certain things.

These practices are never questioned and never cross-checked because people follow them blindly and you are anyways to lookout for any possible solution. You should never ever follow a religious identity just because others are.

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2- Never become a part of an occult group

occult practices

I know it sounds really exciting to be apart of an occult group, but it is fun & games only if you keep it that way. The moment you start experimenting with these things in your real life scenarios, you fall into the trap of non-existent activities.

Most of the occult groups are formed because society doesn’t accept their beliefs and teachings as normal. This should knock enough sense in you and you should understand that these groups bring only harm to your life. So, just stay away from signing up for any such groups.

Just because something happened out of chance, does not prove the existence of such things.

3- Never follow any bizarre rituals

sacrifing animals

India is a land of religions, and there are thousands of rituals for each religion. Some of the rituals are so ancient that they are from the time when people had no knowledge of reality. It is the same people who used to believe that sun rises and sets.

But that doesn’t mean you’ll have to keep following these bizarre rituals just because it is your ancestral ceremony. You need to use your knowledge and education to understand and clearly differentiate between what is right and wrong.

4- Never engage in personal monetary donations

“Bhagwan 1100/- ka Prashad chadhaunga” is the most common bribed sentence you speak to yourself. You sure god needs your money to grant you your wish? Are you sure 11oo/- would be enough?

Or is it you who made that decision and decided the worth of your wish. And that too you mention it proudly as if you are offering god something of more value than what you are really asking for.

You should never donate money to god-men and other religious leaders. Even though you think that you are doing good and helping the poor through them, the case might not be the same as always.

Most of the monetary donations by the followers are used by these god-men for their own luxury and even for illegal activities. So now you know that donations aren’t doing any good for you.  You should opt for orphanages to donate and help the needy.

5- Always discuss new religious knowledge with your close ones

religious preaching

Religion means following certain rules and regulations that you feel are right for you that you want to live by.

Whenever you start following or researching about a new religion, keep your close ones in the loop. It doesn’t mean that you should force them to join too and start convincing them. It means you should share your new learnings and get their views on it.

This will give you a clearer perspective and you might come across certain things that you may not be aware of. Moreover, you might succeed to stay away from falling into the trap of a false religion.

6- Share your experiences and always question anything that doesn’t make any sense to you

fake beliefs in name of religion

Most of these religious groups build the trust by performing some illusion in front of a mass crowd and people end up believing that their leader has godly powers.

Transforming a flower into a gold chain doesn’t mean that a fraudster should be compared to a god. A roadside magician too is capable enough to do the same thing. It’s just that he isn’t dressed in orange and is not relating his magic trick to the divine power of God himself.

Logical reasoning is what you need to help yourself with. This way you will definitely not fall for the trick and save yourself from a lot of trouble. Also, share it with people you think are practical. They will definitely help you sharpen your gaze and you’ll see the reality better.

7- Human and animal sacrifices- A big NO

human sacrifice

Since ancient times, there have been cases of goat, chicken, buffalo etc. being slaughtered in the name of religion. There have also been records of several human sacrifices in India.

A god-man might tell you that this is God’s will and if you sacrifice so and so, God will shower blessings and fortunes in your favor. But, tell me does that sound logical to you? If killing a living thing made god happy, the happiest would be the murderers, right?

Involving yourself in such practice will only drag you back into the darkness of baseless religious beliefs that aren’t going to help you in any way.

Just follow these simple tips and you will stay away from the clutches of these fake religious leaders and do something productive in your life. And if you ask me, that’s way better than being stuck in some fake-fiction tale in the name of religion.

What do you think you should do to stop people falling in these kinds of traps? Share your ideas and views in the comment section.  

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  1. Hello I don’t think it is suicide…this can never be thought off as chances of binding ones hands and mouth by oneself and hanging over fan isn’t possible thing…Media like you people are trying to suppress everything the whole govt and police department is also trying to hide from people..this thing is against humanity and you people(media) are simply making fun of humanity.

  2. There is no Godman behind all this…it’s only media and govt deptts police deptts who never want to be responsible when there is danger overlooking citizens of nation…this thing has always been happening in this country….there is no law today.politicians are only playing with law and police and such things nevertheless happen with politicians and people in power……..why…?can anyone tell…

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