
Inspiring: Bhagwani Devi, Aged 94, Grabs Gold Medal at WMAC

A 94-year-old Indian Athlete named Bhagwani Devi Dagar has won Gold in the World Masters Athletics Championships (WAMC). It is an event for athletics including track and field for athletes aged 35 years and above.

Bhagwani Devi Dagar Wins Gold

Bhagwani Devi Dagar

The 94-year-old Bhagwani Devi Dagar has once again proved with her efforts that age is just a number. Her gold-winning journey has reminded masses of the shooter Daadis Chandro Tomar and Prakashi Tomar who won several medals for shooting. Bhagwani Devi won a gold medal in the 100m sprint at the World Masters Athletics Championships held in Tampere ,Finland. She also grabbed a bronze medal in shot put.

Minister of Youth Affairs and Sports Tweets

The ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports took it to their official Twitter handle to inform about the inspiring win of Bhagwani Devi.“India’s 94-year-old #BhagwaniDevi Ji has yet again proved that age is no bar! She won a GOLD medal at the #WorldMastersAthleticsChampionships in Tampere in the 100m sprint event with a timing of 24.74 seconds. She also bagged a BRONZE in Shot put. Truly commendable effort!,” the Department of Sports, Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports tweeted.

See the tweet here,

Netizens Seem All Impressed

Netizens all over the nation are impressed with the inspiring journey of this 94-year-old athlete. Cabinet Minister Piyush Goyal tweeted, “The World At Her Feet! We are so proud of you Bhagwani Devi Dagar ji, for bagging a?& two? for India at the World Masters Athletics Championships in Finland. What an achievement at 94!”The chief minister of Haryana, Manohar Lal Khattar, also congratulated the athlete.”This achievement of hers will work to fuel enthusiasm among the youth. Bhagwani Devi has once again proved that age is not a barrier to achieving anything in life,” he said in a statement.

Users across the social media platforms appreciated and congratulated her”.Great madam, hats up. You have become an inspiration to the young generation.”, wrote a user. ”Simply Incredible & Inspirational ❤️??”, tweeted another user.

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Nakul Khanna

Nakul writes for's news and other blogging sites. He also contributes to the other sections sometimes such as technology and entertainment. While he works as a sub-editor full-time, he makes YouTube videos

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