
Beauty Benefits Of Coconut Oil For Winters

There is a bottle of coconut oil sitting in dust at our home somewhere in a corner. We all witnessed a time when suddenly Hair Masks, Conditioners and Serums started flying wildly in the beauty market. And we became victim of capitalism like always and we all left that bottle of coconut oil in dust. There are a zillion benefits of coconut oil if you will ask your mom and I cannot disagree with her.

Coconut oil is the magic you need to survive this cold weather that sucks moisture out of our life. Lets talk about beauty benefits of coconut oil before this season ends.

But first take out that old bottle of coconut oil, do some dusting because after reading this you are going to run for it back and forth.

Deep Conditioner

Hair becomes very dry and brittle due to cold winds and it takes away all the moisture. Put a generous amount of coconut oil in your hair before you go to bed. It will work like an overnight mask. Wash it in the morning and you will have your silky smooth hair back to life.

You have to do this because we all love ‘A Good Hair Day’.

Lip Balm

Chapped lips are a big no!! If you want to make sure that your lips stay moisturized and do not want to put unnecessary chemicals on your lips use coconut oil like a lip balm. You can also mix pigment of your choice to give glamorous tint to your face.

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Cuticle Cream

The best treatment for dry cuticles is coconut oil. Apply small amount on your cuticles and give a little massage. You can do the same for toes and feet. If you are facing problem of cracked foot then this will help. Coconut oil is a star when it comes to beauty benefits.

Makeup Remover

Makeup removers can be harsh on your skin in winters because skin does not retain moisture for long. Apply coconut oil and wipe your makeup. It will clean your makeup and moisturize your skin. Due to heat of your palm it will melt and get soaked under your skin. Even the most difficult makeup will wipe out easily.


We get a lot of dead cells collected on our skin and exfoliation is the key to stop that from happening. Apply coconut oil and give it a good rub. It will exfoliate dead cells and make your skin fresh and smooth.

Body Cream

If you don’t want to spend a lot of money on body cream use coconut oil. In winters you have to use a lot of body cream everyday and it has killed your budget in the past. Coconut oil feels super light on body and it will also help in reducing uneven color tone. When I said coconut oil is magic, I meant it by heart.

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Siddhant Baranwal

Siddhant is a Content Creator. He has been doing this for past three years and have managed to gain good attention of audiences for his work. He is an active reader and has huge respect for art and theatre.

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