
Attention, Travelers! The EU Intends To Limit The Validity Of The Digital Covid-19 Pass To 9 Months

Within the EU, 807 million certificates have been issued thus far.

The digital Covid-19 certificate issued by the European Union (EU) will only be valid for nine months, according to the European Commission.

The Commission announced that it has introduced a nine-month (270-day) binding acceptance period for immunization certificates for travel inside the EU. The policy will take effect on February 1, according to the Xinhua news agency.

The Commission said, “A clear and standard acceptance period for immunization certificates will ensure that travel precautions continue to be coordinated.”

Within the EU, 807 million certificates have been issued thus far. Meanwhile, the Commission claims that 60 nations and territories on five continents have adopted a similar approach.

The EU digital Covid certificate has a nine-month validity term since the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control recommends that booster doses be administered at least six months after the initial immunization cycle is completed. A three-month grace period has been extended to enable national immunization efforts to adapt and people to get booster shots.

The 270 days for a single-dose vaccination begin with the first and only injection. In the case of a two-dose vaccination, the 270 days begin after the second injection, or, if the member state’s policy allows, after the first and only shot after the virus has been recovered.

Didier Reynders, the European Commissioner for Justice, said it was now on to member states to make sure boosters are “rolled out quickly to safeguard our health and guarantee safe travel.”


I Varsha Chhirolya having an experience in digital marketing of 5 years, I am an account manager in CREATIVE Ad Agency.

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