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Are You Over Your Ex? Here Are The 5 Signs That Will Answer Your Query

Breakups are sad, it makes you feel lifeless. But they are not permanent. Eventually, you’ll get over your ex, though it’ll take time for you to forgive, forget and finally move on from the past.

It’s going to be a painful phase, but once you’ll over it. The feeling can’t be described in words. Still here are the signs that you are getting over your ex.

1. You are no more thinking about calling or texting

This could be the first sign as you no longer feel the urge to message or call your ex, just to know what is happening in their life. You don’t check their status, neither do you check your phone with the intent to see if there is any notification related to him.

2. She Is Dating Someone Else And You Don’t Care

You Have Accepted The Single Status

The feeling of jealousy is over, it’s gone, you don’t get that feeling of possession anymore. She is gone and you have excepted it. Moreover, you are happy that she is someone else’s problem now. You are happy to see extra savings in your bank.

3. You Have Accepted The Single Status

You Have Accepted The Single Status

Being single no longer feels lonely. On the contrary, you have realised that being single is the best thing. You have time for your work, for your family and now you spent your weekends chilling with your friends. You have accepted your freedom and feel comfortable with a single status.

4. The dates and occasions

You Are Not Comparing Others With Your Ex

When you were in a relationship, every month there is any special day that you have celebrated with your partner. The first time you meet, the first time you kissed, these first times might hurt you at first. But as time passes, your wounds have healed and you just don’t care what day or time it is. Now, It’s always 420 for you or something else that you enjoy.

5. You Are Not Comparing Others With Your Ex

You Have Accepted The Single Status

You have to go out and meet new people because let’s be honest everybody need somebody. And now when you go on dates you don’t compare your date with your ex. Your ex might be funny but you don’t care because your current date is smart.

In Conclusion:

If you can relate with all the signs, congrats you are over your ex. Go out and enjoy as you are not going to see your ex’s face in every other girl. Enjoy your single life or maybe start finding your new girlfriend, whatever you want. This is your life and you can do whatever you want. Just don’t get hurt again.

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