Food & Drinks

AIIMS Issues Warning Over Momos, Details Inside

All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) has recently issued a health warning about chewing momos before swallowing them.

Chew Momos Before Swallowing Them, Says AIIMS

Momos are loved by almost everyone. Vegetarian or non-vegetarian, fried or baked, momo lovers have a wide variety to choose from. In case you are also a momo lover, this article is for you.AIIMS has issued a ‘swallow with care’ health warning after the death of a man who died from choking on a  momo. The man was in his 50s and was drunk. As per police investigation, he was eating in a food stall and fell unconscious. His post-mortem, using a CT scan reveals that the cause of his death is choking on a momo.

Look What Experts Say

AIIMS Issues Warning Over Momos, Details Inside

Dr. Sudhir Gupta, head of the forensic department at AIIMS says, “These findings are very important for medicolegal opinion but could be only done by digital coaxial tomography (CT scan). It can’t be detected in traditional visual postmortem examination.”

As per Dr. Abhisehk Yadav, forensic department of AIIMS, “The steamed momos are one of the favorite street foods in Delhi. Momos have a slippery soft surface which can cause choking and can also be fatal if swallowed without properly chewing. In this particular case, the cause of death was concluded as neurogenic cardiac arrest due to choking of momos which was found to be located at the laryngeal inlet, “He further states, “The size of a dumpling is 5x3cm which is quite a big size and people should be aware when eating such type of food. Whenever such incidents happen, eye-witnesses should immediately perform Heimlich manoeuvre- a first aid medical procedure which is used to treat upper airway obstructions by foreign objects,”

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Dr. Karthi Vignesh Raj K at AIIMS says regarding the case, “Life-saving measures like cardiopulmonary resuscitation are of no use in such cases as the air given to the person can’t reach the lungs due to the obstruction at the laryngeal inlet by a foreign object, i.e. momo in this case,”. The slippery texture and shape of momos can cause harm and must be chewed properly to avoid any damage.

Anu Kumari

An avid reader who embraces imperfections and loves story-telling.

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