
8 Ways to Keep Our Environment Clean and Safe ?

You, as a citizen, may take the necessary action to limit pollution by doing a few basic things around the house. Learn new strategies for maintaining a clean, green, and healthy community. Here are some easy steps you can take to clean up the planet.

1. Reduce The Use of Electricity Appliances

This is the most efficient way to save power. Energy-efficient and environmentally friendly home appliances are already widely available. When not in use, turning off lights and electronics may significantly reduce power use. Instead of utilizing hot water, you may use either warm or cold water in a washing machine to clean your garments. You may save money by using solar energy instead of an electric water heater.

2. Reduce Automobile Use

Automobile Use

Reduce your reliance on your automobile and make better use of other modes of transportation. Repairing a car’s leaky air conditioning, which is harmful to the ozone layer, is recommended by several nations. Filling your gas tank requires caution to prevent gasoline from leaking out. Motor oil that is better for the environment is another option

3. Reduce The Usage Of Chemicals and Pesticides

It is usually recommended to get rid of as many of the harmful chemicals and pesticides used around the home as possible. If you’d rather not use commercial cleaning products, you can easily whip up your own using ingredients like baking soda, lemon juice, and distilled vinegar. Both conventional cleansers and ecologically preferable “green” cleaners may be found on store shelves nowadays.

4. Recycle The Waste Products

Instead of throwing them away, recyclables including glass, plastic, metal, and paper may be reused in new goods. By doing so, we may avoid contributing to the air pollution that results from burning these materials. Also, instead of using throwaway plastics or bags, you may use reusable towels and bags.

5. Cut Down on Carbon Emissions

Multiple strategies exist for reducing carbon footprints that contribute to unhealthy levels of air pollution. To minimize energy consumption and heat output, you may reduce the temperature on your water heater, wash dishes by hand instead of using a dishwasher, use less air conditioning or heating, and switch to energy-efficient light bulbs.

6. Grow Food Locally

The use of pesticides and other chemical preservation methods on food during commercial shipping may be reduced if crops are grown locally. These chemicals are a direct contributor to air pollution. The use of harmful pesticides and chemicals to preserve food is not only ineffective but also harmful to the environment as a whole, and it is a proven fact that organic food is more sustainable.

7. Neutralize Pollutants

Reducing household exposure to pollutants and toxic substances is always preferable. A healthy environment begins from your home. You must also take care to dispose off all the waste material in a proper way rather than simply disposing them off in the bins.

8. Avoid The Pollution

Try not to throw away trash or waste materials almost anywhere in and around your house. You must try to dispose off biodegradable as well as non-biodegradable wastes in a proper way and avoid littering it all over your home environment. Any excess air or water pollution can negatively affect you and your family’s health while destroying the entire environment globally.


I Varsha Chhirolya having an experience in digital marketing of 5 years, I am an account manager in CREATIVE Ad Agency.

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