
5 Side Effects Of Lassi, I Am Sure You Want To Know

Don’t you love to drink a tasteful glass of Punjabi Lassi? Well, I know the answer will be yes in most cases, especially in this nasty summer season. Lassi brings an awesome feeling of relaxation and comfort as soon as you drink it. But today instead of praising it we are going to talk about the harmful effects that are caused by drinking this sweet drink. Yes, you heard correctly even lassi has side effects that can harm your body internally.

5 Side Effects Of Lassi

Let’s Check The Side Effects Of Lassi or Buttermilk:

Bad For Diabetics

This delightful lassi makes it very hard to resist, but for diabetics, it can be very harmful. The amount of sugar and fat in lassi can fluidly increase the blood sugar levels in humans. So the diabetics should be more concerned about consuming lassi.

Kidney And Blood Pressure

This drink has a high amount of sodium in the spices and salt used to make it, drinking all these contents can aggravate the kidney condition that a person already has. So, despite its delicious taste it can cause harm to the kidney and increase the probability of blood pressure levels.

Skin Problem Booster

Lactose intolerance harms the type of people most who are not even aware of their conditions. This condition can result in boosted skin problems. People having Eczema and any other type of skin-related problems should avoid drinking lassi.

Body Weight

Lassi can boost your calorie intake and can result in increased body weight if consumed regularly, especially just before bedtime. As it contains protein, a person should avoid drinking it before bedtime, as it is very difficult for the body to digest it while sleeping.

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Cold, Cough

Lassi is potentially cold, it can boost mucus production in your body. If you don’t want to be prey to colds, coughs, and congestion then avoids this drink before sleeping or at night time. Mucus can make things worse for people with asthma and can cause “sluggishness, body aches, congestion, and fever.”

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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