CultureFood & Drinks

5 Maharashtrian Foods That Every Food Lover Must Try

Maharashtrian Street Foods

If you are a dedicated foody then you must try the potato-based streets foods that Maharashtrian streets offer. Every time I feel Hungary and remember about Maharashtra these dishes just knock on the door of my mind. Street food vendors of Maharashtra will make your taste buds go crazy. They prepare these dishes by stuffing the mashed and spicy potatoes and fry them until perfection hits. Plus with the view of beautiful beaches and iconic architecture, the taste of these foods become relaxing.

The street is the major part of Maharashtrian culture and origin. In comparison to other states, the Maharashtrians can try out these delicious dishes anytime. North Indians can find it hard to taste such exotic flavours in their localities. The best thing about these street foods is that anyone can prepare them with ease, as the ingredients are easily accessible. Though we cannot guarantee the same exotic flavours, that we find in Maharashtra.

So, we are suggesting to you the list of most appetising potato-based Maharashtrian Foods.

Vada Pav

Vada Pav-Maharashtrian Foods

Vada Pav is in the first position to talk as it is the most popular recipe ever. It is a sandwich of fried potato made with besan coverings and put between the two slices of pavs. You can enjoy it with peanut chutney. It’s easy to cook vegetarian dishes that can be easily made at home with accessible ingredients. To add flavour you can have it with red chilli powder or green chilli.

Batata Vada

Batata Vada-Maharashtrian Foods

Batata Vada is famous Maharashtrian street food. It is a fried snack in which the potato is coated with besan. They fry the coated potato until it turns perfect golden. The street vendors give it the shape of dumplings. Your taste buds will go crazy if you eat them with the spicy chutney they serve.

Kat Vada

Kat Vada-Maharashtrian Foods

Kat Vada is a gravy based snack that is also made with fried potatoes and a bun. This is a pure Kolhapuri, Maharashtrian street food recipe that spicy food lovers will adore. You can easily cook it at home with only a few ingredients needed.

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Alu Vadi

Alu Vadi

This is a very popular Maharashtrian cuisine and it is also known as Patrode. It is prepared with Colocasia leaves and spinach after deep frying. Then it is stuffed with spicy mashed potatoes and rolled with besan. This dish is both healthy and tasty.

Aloo Handi Chaat

Aloo Handi Chaat

You will find this recipe very often on the Mumbai streets. This dish is super tasty and popular in Maharashtra. They are made when the fried potatoes are mixed and rolled with spicy chutneys and then added with boil chickpeas.

Rishabh Sharma

Rishabh is an experienced content writer and editor, he is working for Viralbake to cover a diversified range of categories. His articles mainly focus on providing information, being a travel guide, educating others, and also making people aware of technology, after all, he is a technophile. When not writing he can be found gaming, watching movies, and travelling.

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