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5 Controversies Related To Narendra Modi That You Did Not Know

First of all, we congratulate PM Narendra Modi on this 69th birthday and wish him a lot of good luck. Now, since its the birthday of “the most” popular politician cum leader of our time it’s time we discuss something interesting related to his life.

No, we are not going to tell you that he wanted to join the army, he wanted to live a life of hermit, or he was a “Chaiwala”. These are something that are well known to you and we don’t want to bore you by repeating the same.

Rather we talk about some of the controversies related to Narendra Modi that are probably not known to many.

Supporting A Congress Leader

This might come as an undigestible think at present but yes Modi supported congress leader back in the 90s. Well, as they say, there are no permanent friends and enemies in politics there is only the hunt for opportunity to gain power.



Same happened in this case. A congress leader from Himachal named Sukh Ram was caught with crores of cash at his residence by the authorities. Modi who was then the BJP General Secretary is said to have come in support of the leader to seize the power in the state which was having a hung assembly at that time.

Comment On Sunanda Pushkar

This one happened 7 years back in 2012. Shashi Tharoor was then the Union HRD Minister and Modi was the CM of Gujarat. Shashi Tharoor was at that time facing allegations in the IPL-Sweat equity case where his wife Sunanda was also involved.


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Taking a jibe at him during a rally Modi called Sunanda a “Rs 50 crore girlfriend”. These remarks from Modi drew a sharp response from both Tharoor and Sunanda.

Tussle With Governor Of Gujarat

Few of you would be knowing that Modi had a short tussle with the Governor of Gujarat when he was the CM of the state. We are talking about Gujarat’s Governor Kamla Beniwala.



The issue was regarding the office of Lokayukta. From quite some time the seat of Lokayukta in the state was vacant. Whenever Modi appointed a new Lokayukta that person was brought down by the office from Beniwala.

The short tussle continued for a while before Modi got Beniwala out of the Governor’s office.

Awakener From Obama

The then U.S President and PM Modi’s one of good friends (As Modi said they share a friendly relation) give him a wake-up call about the state of affairs under his administration in 2015.

US Prez


Obama said that, “In past years, religious faiths of all types have, on occasion, been targeted by other peoples of faith, simply due to their heritage and their beliefs- acts that would have shocked Gandhiji.” This was enough to irk the nation who took it as an insult.

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Hyped Foreign Tours

The foreign visits of PM Modi are quite a hype on media and lots of memes are also floated in this regard. No doubt that his visits abroad are a part of strengthening India’s International relations there is a controversy associated with that.



As per recent reports, the foreign tours of PM Modi are not much different from those of former PM Manmohan Singh. It was just that the tours are more hyped and are made to attract the attention of a wide audience.


So, which one of the above controversies related to Modi were known to you earlier? Are there any more interesting controversies related to the PM that you know and are not listed here?


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